Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Before the Renaissance

                           Parthenon | Definition, History, Architecture, Columns, Greece, & Facts |  Britannica

                                                              Parthenon Building Art

Built in 447 and 432 BC, dedicated to the Greek Goddess Athena.

I've came to an understanding how Art makes up majority of the Ancient Greece. According to an article I've came across to, it mentioned how "Ancient Greek art emphasized the importance and accomplishments of human beings, even though much of the Greek art is honor to the Gods, those very gods were created in the image of humans (Art and Architecture)". It seems like to me , that the Greek's take Art in a sacred and highly within their culture. This is one thing about Ancient Greece that spoke out to me, we live in a world surround by art. Art is express in many ways, yet is the emotion behind the artist , to tell us what does that art mean, because of the story behind the art. Art is a language, when we do not speak the same language. For example, I remember my parents coming from China, and did not speak one single english , but it was Art that allow them communicate with other people. If they went to a McDonald and did not know how to say the order, they will point at pictures. Is fascinating to see how Ancient Greece prioritize the form of ART.

Philosophers of Ancient Greece

The Famous Philosophers: Plate, Socrates, and Aristotle. 

<resource_carousel.datastructures.RCItem object at 0x7fd210facd30>Since I learned how important Art is to Ancient Greece, I will go ahead and continue with this topic. The Greece gave us three form of art ; Democracy, Architecture, and Philosophy. All three of this art plays a role mentally and physically within the humanity realm. Philosophy comes from their language and means love of wisdom" (Before Renaissance Part: I). The three famous Greek Philosophers are still widely known and respected in todays modern world. Plato was Socrates student, as Plato was the mentor of Aristotle . Socrates focus on the art of asking questions. His name is attached to Socratic method in which you constantly ask questions so that students can steadily break down a big problem in smaller parts, parts they can hypotheses against" (Plato and Aristotle: Crash Course History of Science #3). Plato's based on his philosophy on geometric law , as Aristotle was hired as a tutor to king Phillip II, and trained his son Alexander to conquer many country . As we can observe here, These three ancient philosophers learn together, but had their very own mindset and perspective on ideas and things. This form of mental art is so fascinating to me , I would of never dive deeper into what these philosophers do without this class. Here I attached a video that I grasp the information about the famous philosophers. 

                                  Plato and Aristotle: Crash Course History of Science #3

I've always known that Greece was known for their Art, and how majority of our beauty is inspired from the Ancient Greeks. However, I did not know that the Ancient Greeks took Art in a very highly way. Matter fact, in our modern day world the word Aesthetics is being widely used now. I hear that word to describe beauty more than beautiful . Thank you for tuning into my first blog of the semester!

Work cited

“Plato and Aristotle: Crash Course History of Science #3.” YouTube, YouTube, 16 Apr. 2018, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rh0fxJkvL44. 

History.com Editors. “Parthenon.” History.com, A&E Television Networks, 2 Feb. 2018, https://www.history.com/topics/ancient-greece/parthenon. 

National Geographic Society. “Greek Philosophers.” National Geographic Society, 15 Mar. 2019, https://www.nationalgeographic.org/encyclopedia/greek-philosophers/. 

“Art and Architecture.” Ushistory.org, Independence Hall Association, https://www.ushistory.org/civ/5e.asp. 

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Telling a story of Confucianism and Daoism!

Ancient Chinese Philosophy - Ancient History Encyclopedia

(Ancient Chinese Philosophers)

    There are many Ancient Chinese Philosophers, that marked the history. However, Confucianism and Daoism, will always hold a sacred place, in the Chinese History. Many individuals, may have mistaken Confucianism and Daoism, as a Spiritual character. Yet, they are famous human philosophers, that set the fundamental rules to being a human. The two famous form of Philosophy formed the Cultural, Moral, and human practices, in the Chinese culture. Both philosophers pride massively on bringing harmony to society, self controlled, self discipline, self motivated, and self growth. They are both great teachers in the ancient history, and both differ in different ways. In my opinion, Confucianism focus on daily life approach. More so on the logical way of establishing life. Whereas, Daoism, focus on Ying Yang, which symbolize balance. Daoism steer more on a nature of a human, rather than the rules. Daoism to me, interpret as more to following the heart, mindfulness, and balance. 

    Confucian was born to be a highly superior intellegient child. At a young age, he constantly feels, that his life purpose, was to teach and educate individuals, to create a harmony society. "Aristotle. Confucius would draw on the traditional wisdom of China to  teach his disciples about the principles of right living and right governing.  He described himself as a transmitter, not an originator. Any sincere seeker  was welcome, rich or poor, but presumably most of the disciples were from wealthy families, and Confucius was able to make a decent living doing what he loved most"Bresnan, Patrick S.. Awakening (p. 306). Confucians dreams was to obtain a power to the throne, so he can create changes to society, through the noble name LU. Yet, that did not conclude in a content ending. Confucian did not successfully, spread his teaching, until the Feudalism system. When the Feudalism system created, that is the time of Confucian's shine. Til this day, China still withholds his teaching and guidance.

Books I read in 2020!


 Year Of 2020 Read!

dog-reading-book - Humane Society of Broward CountyHumane Society of  Broward County

"Powerful knowledge through readings"

    Throughout the pandemic, I've tried my best to exercise my brain, as much as possible. I must admit, this year was like a roller coaster ride. It is fulfilled with fears, fast, and furious. The three F's , is what I like to address it as. Therefore, I strive my best, to increase mindfulness throughout the tough times. Here I will share a few reads, that I attempted throughout the years.

Comer J. Ronald, Comer S. Jonathan: Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology. Ninth Edition 2019.

Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology by Ronald J. Comer; Jonathan S. Comer - Ninth Edition, 2019 from Macmillan Student Store

    (This Psychology Book, is required in my Abnormal Behavior class. This book allow us to understand, and acknowledge many different mental health issues. It requires informations to teach, us which modality to use, in treating patients with diagnosis of mental health issues. One of the most important key, I've learned is the 4 D's. An individual must touch based on the 4 D's , to be diagnosis with the mental disorder. The 4 D's are, Danger, Deviance,Distress, and Dysfunction.)

Gray John, Mens are from mars, Women are from Venus. HarperCollins 1992.

Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus

( This book, was a fun read. I actually picked up this book from Goodwill, after a break up. I did not have a chance to read it in depth, until now. I've read almost all of it, with the exceptions of the last few chapters. I would say this book is a guidance to understand the difference of both genders. Many times females communicate with emotions, due to the natures of a women, yet mens communicate differently, due to their nature. Therefore, to sustain a healthy long-term relationship, both genders should take some time, and acknowledge the difference of each others natures. If women understand men, as men understand women, then relationship would be more clarify.)

Jack Hawley, The Bhagavad Gita: A walkthrough for Westerners. New World Library, 2011.The Bhagavad Gita: A Walkthrough for Westerners

( I would had never reached out to this wonderful book, if I never took Asian Humanities this semester. This book holds a Sacred religion and teaching in India. The walk of Yogi fascinates me in many ways. I've always question, where does meditation, and mindfulness come from?. This book definitely provide the answers to my question. This book is truly the way, in living a Humanity way. 

Final Thoughts of this class!

    The theme of the project with our group is called, what it means to be human?. What I liked about this project is, our group was able to work together, and pull it through every circumstance, under the stressful pandemic situation. This translates to the team work, even though we all work in a different schedule, and have a stagnant going in life, we all manage to finish our parts, and feel joy together, after receiving our grade. This teamwork, compassion, and patient to understand each others time and life, is part of answer on what it means to be human. I personally spent countless hours on researching and completing my part of duty. I did not keep track of hours, because for every hour I obtain, I will spend time on working it. I also work full time, so I bring my homework to work also. 

    When I first started this Humanities class, I was expecting to learn, what I end up learning!. I expected to learn about culture specifically in Asia. I am Asian myself, yet I want to grasp a better understanding of my own culture , and other Asian cultures. My goal was to understand the Asia culture more, especially Japan. Now that I learn about India, I am in love with their culture, and teachings of The Bhagavad Gita. Before coming to the class, I've already acknowledge some Chinese culture, since I am Chinese myself. Yet, something I learned new about my own culture, is the Confucius philosophy background. I've always watched ancient Chinese drama, and this whole time, I did not know the teachers who live with the Emperor in the palace, and teaches the Emperor's sons, are called Confucius in English. After learning about Confucius, and doing research about it, I find myself gravitate to the teaching. I always pride on elevating growth physically, mentally and spiritually, so I am intrigue to research about it some more, throughout my winter break. I thank my professor, and group for such a smooth ride, through the rough times. After taking a Humanity class, it made me appreciate and observe life with a different aspect. I advice anyone to give Humanity a try, to better understand, the beauty of being Human. Thank you !

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Virtual Museum Experience !

 Covid Museum Edition !

Fuji in Clear Weather (Red Fuji), from the series Thirty-six Views of Mt. Fuji, early 1830s
Katsushika Hokusai (Japanese, 1760–1849)
Color woodblock print

    Hello to all viewers, welcome to my blog of the Museum experience. I had never been to a museum location before. Unfortunately, due to Covid, I am not able to experience a museum event fully in person. I will most definitely plan on a Museum trip, after the world returns back to the normal state. The piece of art I chose to speak about, was discover through Allen Memorial Art Museum, located at Oberlin College, in Ohio, California. I've always been driven by the nature, therefore, this piece hooked my attention. The experience, I obtain from the virtual museum tour, was a great experience to appreciate art. In my most honest words, I've always think of Museum being boring. I've never been interested in enjoying it. However, taking the Humanities class, helped me achieved a different perspective of Museum. I've learned that an image, or a piece of art, is not just art. It tells a story, of how people lived in the time of Era. Therefore, taking the Asian Humanities class, and now having a museum experience, gave me many insights and knowledge, to how Humans live throughout the history. Setting my experience aside, Let's start diving into the creation of the art I've chosen !. 

    First, Mount Fuji Mountain, is the tallest mountain in Japan. It stands at 3,776 meters, and is actually an active volcano; erupted in the year of 1707. This is one of the most popular tourist spot in Japan, and many people attempt to climb it. Besides the beauty, and popularity of this important spot. It holds a sacred spiritual meaning in the Japanese culture. Which, they now announce it as a symbol of Japan.Mount Fuji holds an important meaning to the Japanese. It is said to be the symbol of Japan. The Mount Fuji represents cultural, physical and spiritual geography. "Mount Fuji has been a sacred site for practicers of Shinto since at least the 7th century. Shinto is the indigenous faith or spirituality of Japan" (Carly Sue). Shinto is referred to "Shinto began as a primitive animistic collection of beliefs and practices,  focusing on reverence for the spirits (kami) of natural phenomena, such as  mountains, waterfalls, great trees, and also the spirits of departed ancestors"Bresnan, Patrick S.. Awakening (p. 486). This is how Mount Fuji, holds a sacred spiritual meaning to the Japanese. The nature of the rock that erupted on the island, is recognized as a Kami to the blessing in Japanese land. This spiritual aspect, contributes to the creator of this art piece. 

    Katsushika Hokusai, earns a name of being the famous artist, of the Fuji in clear weather painting, as show above. He has been striving, to earn a legacy name of being a great artist. Throughout his low moments, of not being known of his arts. He still holds motivation to create better art. "Hokusai writes: From around the age of six, I had the habit of sketching from life. I became an artist, and from fifty on began producing works that won some reputation, but nothing I did before the age of seventy was worthy of attention". Through obstacle he still proceeds with his passion of painting. At the age 60, he started to earn recognition, with the Mount Fuji art collection. This painting is stem from his religious beliefs. Hokusai was a member of the Nichiren sect of Buddhism. His name Hokusai means North studio, and this name links to North Star, which is associated with the deity Myoken. With the religious belief, and his love for mountains, this had driven him to create arts of Mount Fuji. Which earned him, his legacy, before his death. He had successfully, became what he wanted to be known for, and recognized as; A Well painted artist. 

    Through researching, and understanding the meaning of creating this art piece. It generates a different way to admire the art piece. Each Museum art piece, allows us to understand, how an individual live and feel, during the Era, that we didn't experience. It holds the generation map, to how humans are now. From the beginning of the semester, our professor ask us what does our name means, and now I understand why she ask that question. Our name holds a value and a story to our life. This Museum experience, had truly opened me up, to have a real person experience in a Museum. That will be on my goal list, after the pandemic. I hope all viewers learned and explore something new, like I did. Here I attached a link below, to Hokusai website, for more information, and contributions to his work. Thank you for stopping by, and reading a piece of my discover. 

Work Cited

Bresnan, Patrick. Awakening: an Introduction to the History of Eastern Thought. Routledge, 2017. 

“Biography of Katsushika Hokusai.” Katsushika Hokusai Biography | Life, Paintings, Influence on Art

National Geographic Society. “Mount Fuji.” National Geographic Society, 9 Nov. 2012.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

The Salaver Family Story

A Picture of the Salaver Family

        This webinar event I attend to, is called Generations of Consciousness, Culture & Community: The Salaver Family Story. This event took place ,online zoom meeting on October 24,2020 6:00 PM. The event consists of many speakers/host. All of the speakers, were related to each other, since this organization, is merely speaking of the Salaver Family Story, so majority of the speakers, were siblings, and cousins, explaining, how the Filipino culture established in the United Sates. The seminar is breakdown to, how the Salaver Family started in the Bay area, hardship they pertain, upon living in the U.S,  and how they partake a  strike for the education system, in the 1960s strike for more colors to attend college. I honestly had never been so eyed open about filliping culture, until I've attend this seminar. I've always been exposed to the Filipino culture on the food side, and family value perspective, yet not the history, and how much they've went through, to create a stable community in the U.S. 

        Through this seminar, I like how they breakdown the struggles, to overcome hurdles, as a Filipino American. The Salaver spoke upon, how it was difficult to immigrate to the U.S, stayed in labor camps, illegal marriages; if married to opposite race, low labor pay, starting at $0.44 an hour/ 48hrs per week, and limited of race ethnic to obtain education opportunities. Those were the main ideas, that was discussed through the seminar. What really stood out to me was how, California, did not legalize opposite race marriage. Is unbelievable , that many Filipinos had to go to a different state, for marriage, if not marrying the same race. There will be individuals, that strive to assume Filipinos, are quite in good stance; financially and such, yet many do not acknowledge the fight they conquered through, to sustain a decent lifestyle in today's world. There aren't a thing to dislike about the seminar, it is a lovely experience, to dive deeper into the Philippine Culture.  I appreciate the variety of topics, in the seminar, however I would love to hear more about the history, of why many Filipinos decide to reside in the Bay Area, San Fransisco, Ca. 

        To sum it up, this seminar had taught me, to share that each ethnic group, has their own struggles. In todays society, majority of Filipinos are nurses, which creates a assumptions for others, to think they are well-off , or live a comfortable life, however, we must understand their cultural background, to understand how hard work, will manifest the lifestyle, that each individual deserves. Below, I've included their official website link, so that, their informations and in depth stories, can be found. 

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Jack Hawley: The Bhagavad Gita Book Thoughts

IMAGE: A Journey to become one with Divinity, and seek for Atma(True Self)

Stories usually reveal tragedy at the end, however this story placed tragedy in the beginning. Arjuna, whom is announced as the leader of Pandavas, carries an extensive decision in going against his family, to secure the kingdom. Through days of thoughts before the war, Arjuna constantly mentally refuse in an acceptance of fighting against his family. " I can't see any good coming from slaying my relatives. This is unlike our earlier days of glory, Krishna, old friend. Now I don't desire victory, or a kingdom, or pleasures. Of what use are they? of what use is life, Krishna?" (Hawley 8). Arjuna refuses to seek any satisfactions, in regards in destroying love ones on the battle field. Therefore, during the battle, he couldn't surpass the purpose to serve in this war, and this is when Krishna begins to explain, why he has go through this devastated time, to restore his karma. Through Krishna's guidance of path of knowledge, meditation, path of love, and discipline practices of becoming Atma (True self). Arjuna had successfully battled his emotions with strength to accept the battle, and resulted with victory in the conclusion. In this Sacred piece of book, The Bhagavad Gita by Jack Hawley, is refer to as a guidance, on how we should live life. Through the practice of becoming a mind of yogis, such as performing Sankhya Yoga( knowledge) Karma yoga (action), and Bhakti yoga (Love). We will then restore humanity, and peace within ourself, and the world.

After reading through this book, it had brought me to a comparison of the sacred Holy Bible. If we minus the religion perspective, between Christianity and Hinduism, they both settle on the same life value teachings. Both sacred pieces, represent an important aspect of walking the act of being humane. It highly instruct us to treat others with love and compassion. " Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shall love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, love your enemies." ( Matthew 5:43-44). "Sacrifice is used here in a very special way: it means offering, helping, and being dedicated to the welfare of all humanity"(Hawley 29). As we can compare here, how utterly important to practice the form of loving everything with a sincere heart; not just verbally confirming it, but must perform with actions.

In todays society, the Bhakti yoga (love), had slowly decreased, due to greed of actions from many individuals. As our world become more advance, we've became more distanced within ourself, and each other. when we start to loose love within ourselves and others, we began to loose compassion. Therefore, we welcome negative energy into our spheres, and loose peace with ourselves. This translates to selfishness, envy, hatred, and other inhuamne actions/thoughts towards ourself and others. This is why, our society today, still hasn't solved the puzzle of retrieving humanity. Helping others twenty years ago, was seen as a kind act, yet helping others today, are seen as putting yourself endanger. Many of the negative contributions are spread through the internet, which majority of the times, are displayed as a false perceptions, with hidden underlying truths. For example, many individuals yearn to post the picture perfect news or photos on social medias, yet the truth underneath it, reaveals an opposite truth. My point here is, many individuals will do anything, when they loose peace with themselves, and when peace is not founded, they had open the gate for inhumane energy to enter. This is why, The Bhagavad Gita by Jack Hawley, can be a guidance to bring our inner peace back to homeostatis , and increase the humanity acts in our society. 

I want to share a video, I find interesting explaining the Gita called, Bhagavad Gita Explained In 10 Minutes ft. @Gaur Gopal Das. One thing he shares,  "we have to tolerate the negative, and the positive, because they both distract us" (5:35). I've never thought that positive thoughts can distract us, majority of the times, we heard of negativity thoughts distracting us, but he shares how a positive thought can distract, and block many attributes too.  An example, I can think of a positive thought that can distract us, is if we made it to our destination of success in life. We can be stuck in a comfortable positive position, which can distract us, to reach for more, or expand our knowledge horizons more. 

Source for the Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=in4s3bRiPuc

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Clarice Smith Distinguished Lecture by : Aruna D’Souza Seminar


Author: Aruna D' Souza

     On Wednesday September 23,2020, I had the pleasure to join the seminar; called Clarice Smith Distinguished Lecture, with Aruna D' Souza. Aruna Souza is an author for several of books; with being Whitewalling is her best art books of 2018, according to New York Times. She enjoy writing about "modern and contemporary art; intersectional feminisms and other forms of politics; and how museums shape our views of each other and the world"(Aruna Souza). During the seminar video, she first discuss the trending racial topics, according to social media news, and then focuses on discussing the form of arts in the museum, that tells a story of humanities, and addresses three form of practices, that can contribute a clear perspective, in humanities life. The three form of practices are, to know, to empathize, and to see fully.

    During the Seminar, I loved how she educated us on the three form of knowledge; To know, To empathize, and to see fully. "Empathy is a concept base, at its heart, on understanding, the ability to translate the experiences of one another's , into one another own language. The language in question doesn't need to be a linguistic one, it could be gestural embodied tactile or many other ways of communicating" (Aruna Souza 12:11). I love how she used this form of explanation, to pass through a message, on how important it is, for humanity to retain empathy. Empathy is what make us a human. Through all the universal culture,   religion, and humans. We all thrive off of, living through the existence, to feel loved, cared, and understood. This is a natural form of art, we practice to maintain humanity. Souza, Also used the Museum art as an example, to show us to see fully. She uses two arts, in comparison, to let us know, what you see, and create assumption of the art, is not the accurate answer. Therefore, to see fully, is to seek for the truth, rather than, relying on false answers. Aruna Souza, seminar is very insightful, and contain many valuable knowledge. If I were to pick something I didn't like, it would be the organization of the seminar?. I am unsure, if I am a slow grabber, but I was sort of lost, what her point is during the first few minute of the video. I understand this video tides in with racial issues, however she started off with addressing social media news, then pull a picture of the map, and spoke about slavery, which I wished she explain more, before going into her museum arts. An event I would like for her to cover is, the history of slavery, and what caused the conception of it. Yes, she explain slavery in the video, but I felt like, instead of explaining stories on how slavery was formed, she display a view on, how individuals impose a definition of slavery. Overall, I grasp valuable knowledge from this seminar, and will pass down the information, that I've obtained from this Seminar.

    To sum up this blog entry, I wanted to touch base on Empathy in society. This is the main information, I deeply grasp from the seminar, and it relates to the theme, that I chose for my class. In today's society, we have came to a realization, of the world becoming inhumane. we will continue to see the increase rate of inhumane acts, as the world continue to grow, and advance in industrialization. In todays world, individuals tend to neglect what their compassionate heart desires, but instead, individuals follow what their mind greed for. Instead of practicing on giving, we rather receive more. For example, majority of our actions in today, we plot out on how much it will benefit us, rather than benefiting fairly on both sides. The selfish characteristic, had displayed an inhumane act, which is a destruction of humanity. Speaking of humanity, made me relate to a quote that I've grasp from the book called The Bhagavad Gita, by Jack Hawley. " Sacrifice is used here in a very special way: It means offering, helping, and being dedicated to the welfare of all humanity"(pg 29). This quote exactly summarize my point in humanity. We are living in a time, where helping or being kind to someone, has become a threat, instead of considering it as a humanity act. To fully change the world, In my own personally opinion, we must discover peace within ourself first. Here I will dive deeper, what it means, seeking peace within ourself. Throughout our life, majority of us had experience, a time in their journey, when we felt unhappy, insecure, and aren't fulfilled in life. When a human enter the negative side of mindset, they had open the gate to partake in inhumane actions. Such inhumane actions, will lead to destruction of others, to provide temporary satisfaction within ourselves. Thus why, we continue to go in a recycle system of inhumane acts. For example, today's society defines gold chains, big house, nice cars, nice body, and other lavish things, are being interpret as "happiness". This form of happiness, show significant signs of insecurity traits to cover a hidden unsatisfactory, within themselves. Thus why, seeking peace within self, is a vital practice to remain humanity. You may wonder, How does one practice seeking self peace?. Practicing self peace, is to accept yourself in all forms, and ways. It is the gateway to eternal happiness. Like the old saying, If I don't love myself, how will I know how to love others?. When you truly accept yourself and achieve peace within yourself, that is when you will refuse to partake inhumane acts.

Resources: - Jack Hawley ,The Bhagavad Gita 

- https://www.arunadsouza.com/about

Before the Renaissance

                                                                                           Parthenon Building Art Built in 447 and 432 BC, d...