IMAGE: A Journey to become one with Divinity, and seek for Atma(True Self)
Stories usually reveal tragedy at the end, however this story placed tragedy in the beginning. Arjuna, whom is announced as the leader of Pandavas, carries an extensive decision in going against his family, to secure the kingdom. Through days of thoughts before the war, Arjuna constantly mentally refuse in an acceptance of fighting against his family. " I can't see any good coming from slaying my relatives. This is unlike our earlier days of glory, Krishna, old friend. Now I don't desire victory, or a kingdom, or pleasures. Of what use are they? of what use is life, Krishna?" (Hawley 8). Arjuna refuses to seek any satisfactions, in regards in destroying love ones on the battle field. Therefore, during the battle, he couldn't surpass the purpose to serve in this war, and this is when Krishna begins to explain, why he has go through this devastated time, to restore his karma. Through Krishna's guidance of path of knowledge, meditation, path of love, and discipline practices of becoming Atma (True self). Arjuna had successfully battled his emotions with strength to accept the battle, and resulted with victory in the conclusion. In this Sacred piece of book, The Bhagavad Gita by Jack Hawley, is refer to as a guidance, on how we should live life. Through the practice of becoming a mind of yogis, such as performing Sankhya Yoga( knowledge) Karma yoga (action), and Bhakti yoga (Love). We will then restore humanity, and peace within ourself, and the world.
After reading through this book, it had brought me to a comparison of the sacred Holy Bible. If we minus the religion perspective, between Christianity and Hinduism, they both settle on the same life value teachings. Both sacred pieces, represent an important aspect of walking the act of being humane. It highly instruct us to treat others with love and compassion. " Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shall love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, love your enemies." ( Matthew 5:43-44). "Sacrifice is used here in a very special way: it means offering, helping, and being dedicated to the welfare of all humanity"(Hawley 29). As we can compare here, how utterly important to practice the form of loving everything with a sincere heart; not just verbally confirming it, but must perform with actions.
In todays society, the Bhakti yoga (love), had slowly decreased, due to greed of actions from many individuals. As our world become more advance, we've became more distanced within ourself, and each other. when we start to loose love within ourselves and others, we began to loose compassion. Therefore, we welcome negative energy into our spheres, and loose peace with ourselves. This translates to selfishness, envy, hatred, and other inhuamne actions/thoughts towards ourself and others. This is why, our society today, still hasn't solved the puzzle of retrieving humanity. Helping others twenty years ago, was seen as a kind act, yet helping others today, are seen as putting yourself endanger. Many of the negative contributions are spread through the internet, which majority of the times, are displayed as a false perceptions, with hidden underlying truths. For example, many individuals yearn to post the picture perfect news or photos on social medias, yet the truth underneath it, reaveals an opposite truth. My point here is, many individuals will do anything, when they loose peace with themselves, and when peace is not founded, they had open the gate for inhumane energy to enter. This is why, The Bhagavad Gita by Jack Hawley, can be a guidance to bring our inner peace back to homeostatis , and increase the humanity acts in our society.
I want to share a video, I find interesting explaining the Gita called, Bhagavad Gita Explained In 10 Minutes ft. @Gaur Gopal Das. One thing he shares, "we have to tolerate the negative, and the positive, because they both distract us" (5:35). I've never thought that positive thoughts can distract us, majority of the times, we heard of negativity thoughts distracting us, but he shares how a positive thought can distract, and block many attributes too. An example, I can think of a positive thought that can distract us, is if we made it to our destination of success in life. We can be stuck in a comfortable positive position, which can distract us, to reach for more, or expand our knowledge horizons more.
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